Worldometer Sources

Worldometer collects its statistics and data from the most reputable national and international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, OECD and others.

Each Worldometer counter has its specific set of sources, which are listed on its dedicated page (accessible by clicking on the counter text link, when available).

Data, estimates, and projections displayed on Worldometer's counters are for the most part provided by organizations included in the following list of United Nations Statistics Division's partners.

Learn more about Worldometer.

United Nations Statistics and Specialized Agencies Programmes

Other Organizations Statistics Programmes


Members of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities

United Nations entities and programmes On- line databases, datasets
United Nations Population Division World Population Prospects
  World Urbanization Prospects
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Data on-line
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) UNESCAP Data Centre
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWa ) ESCWa Research and Development Portal (ERDP)
POPIN Databases
Gender Statistics - Selected Statistical data and indicators
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD databases on-line
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report (HDR)- Statistics
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) UNEP.Net
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPa ) State of World Population 2004 - Indicators
Population and Reproductive Health Country Profiles
HIV/AIDS clock
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) - UNICEF's key statistical databases
Information by country
United Nations Human Settlements Programme Global Urban Observatory databases
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research, Analysis, Statistics & Scientific Support
Specialized agencies and related organizations
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Statistical Databases
International Labour Organization (ILO) Access to ILO Databases
International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Economic Outlook Databases
IMF Publications database
International Telecommunication Union World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database
ICT Free Statistics
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO UNESCO Institute for Statistics-Database Access
UNESCO Institute for Statistics - Statistical Tables
UNESCO Institute for Statistics - Country Profiles
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Databases and Software
World Bank Online Databases
World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Organization library database(WHOLIS)
WHO Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition
WHO Mortality Database
EMF research database
World Tourism Organization (WTO) Tourism Legislation Database (LEXTOUR)/Tourism Information and Documentation Resource Centres Database (INFODOCTOUR)
Other international and non-governmental organizations
Asian Development Bank Statistics
Bank for International Settlements  
European Central Bank Statistical Data Warehouse
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD)
Statistics Portal/Data by Topic
Paris 21  
Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC) BASEIND (Basic Socio-Economic Indicators)
Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT)  
World Trade Organization (WTO) Statistics database


National Statistical Offices


Algeria Office national des statistiques
Botswana Central Statistical Office
Burkina Faso Institut National de la Statistique et de la Demographie (INSD)
Cameroon Institut National de la Statistique
Cape Verde Instituto Nacional de Estatistica
Central African Republic Direction Generale de la Statistiques, des Etudes Economiques et Sociales
Chad Institut National de la Statistique des Etudes Economiques et Demographiques
Congo Centre National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
Cote d’Ivoire Institut National de la Statistique
Djibouti Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Planification, chargé de la Privatisation
Egypt Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia
Gabon Direction Generale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
Gambia Central Statistics Department
Guinea Direction Nationale de la Statistique
Guinea -Bissau Instituto Nacional de Estatística e Censos
Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics
Lesotho Lesotho Bureau of Statistics
Madagascar Institut National de la Statistique
Malawi National Statistical Office of Malawi
Mauritania Office National de la Statistique
Mauritius Central Statistical Office
Morocco Direction de la statistique
Mozambique Instituto Nacional de Estatistica
Namibia Central Bureau of Statistics
Niger Institut National de la Statistique
Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics
Sao Tome and Principe Instituto Nacional de Estatisticas
Senegal Agence Nationale de la Statistique de la Demographie
Seychelles National Statistics Bureau
Sierra Leone Statistics Sierra Leone
South Africa Statistics South Africa
Sudan Central Bureau of Statistics
Swaziland The Central Statistical Office
Togo Direction Generale de la Statistique et de la Comptabilite Nationale
Tunisia Institut national de la statistique
Uganda Uganda Bureau of Statistics
United Republic of Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
Zambia Central Statistical Office of Zambia


Anguilla Statistics Department
Argentina Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos
Aruba Central Bureau of Statistics
Bahamas Department of Statistics
Barbados Barbados Statistical Service
Belize Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB)
Bermuda Department of Statistics
Bolivia Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Brazil Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)
Canada Statistics Canada
Chile Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
Colombia Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE)
Costa Rica Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos
Cuba Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas
Dominican Republic Oficina Nacional de Estadística
Ecuador Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos
El Salvador Dirección General de Estadística y Censos
Guatemala Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Honduras Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Jamaica Statistical Institute of Jamaica
Mexico Instituto Nacional de Estadística , Geografía e Informática (INEGI)
Netherlands Antilles Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
Nicaragua National Institute of Statistics and Censuses
Panama Dirección Nacional de Estadística y Censo
Paraguay Dirección General de Estadìstica , Encuestas y Censos
Peru Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI)
Saint Lucia Saint Lucian Government Statistics Department
Suriname General Bureau of Statistics
Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical Office
Turks and Caicos Islands Department of Economic Planning and Statistics
Uruguay Instituto Nacional de Estadística
United States Fedstats
Venezuela Instituto Nacional de Estadística


Afghanistan Central Statistics Office


National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Bhutan National Statistics Bureau
Cambodia National Institute of Statistics
China National Bureau of Statistics of China
China , Hong Kong SAR Census and Statistics Department
China , Macao SAR Statistics and Census Service
Cyprus Statistical Service of the Republica of Cyprus
Georgia Statistics Georgia

Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation

Indonesia BPS- Statistics Indonesia
Iran Statistical Centre of Iran
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Japan Statistics Bureau
Jordan Department of Statistics
Kazakhstan Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic
Korea , Republic of National Statistical Office
Kuwait Statistical and Information Sector, Ministry of Planning
Lao People's Democratic Republic National Statistics Centre
Lebanon Central Administration for Statistics
Malaysia Department of Statistics Malaysia
Maldives Ministry of Planning & National Development
Mongolia National Statistical Office
Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics
Occupied Palestinian Territory Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Oman Ministry of National Economy
Pakistan Statistics Division
Philippines National Statistical Coordination Board
  National Statistical Office
Qatar The Planning Council, Statistics Department
Saudi Arabia Central Department of Statistics
Singapore Singapore Department of Statistics
Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics
Syrian Arab Repblic Central Bureau of Statistics
Tajikistan State Statistical Committee of Tajikistan
Thailand National Statistical Office
Turkey Turkish Statistical Institute
United Arab Emirates Ministry of Economy
Uzbekistan State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics
Vietnam General Statistics Office
Yemen Central Statistical Office


Åland Islands Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB)
Albania Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Andorra Ministeri de Finances, Servei d'Estudis
Austria Statistics Austria
Belarus The Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium Statistics Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Office of Statistics
  Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  The Republika Srpska Institute for Statistics
Bulgaria National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria
Croatia Republic of Croatia Central Bureau of Statistics
Czechia (Czech Republic) Czech Statistical Office
Denmark Statistics Denmark
Estonia Statistics Estonia
Faroe Islands Statistics Faroe Islands
Finland Statistics Finland
France Institut National de la Statistique
et des Études Économiques
  Le Portail de la statistique publique française
Germany Federal Statistical Office
Greece National Statistical Service of Greece
Greenland Statistics Greenland
Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Iceland Statistics Iceland
Ireland Central Statistics Office Ireland
Italy National Institut of Statistics
Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Liechtenstein Bureau of Statistics
Lithuania Statistics Lithuania
Luxembourg STATEC
Malta National Statistics Office
Moldova National Bureau of Statistics
Montenegro Statistical Office of Montenegro
Netherlands Statistics Netherlands
Norway Statistics Norway
Poland Central Statistical Office
Portugal Instituto Nacional de Estatística
Romania National Institute of Statistics
Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service
Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Slovakia Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Spain Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Sweden Statistics Sweden
Switzerland Swiss Federal Statistical Office
The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia State Statistical Office
Ukraine The State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine
United Kingdom
  • Office for National Statistics
  • HM Customs and Excise - online Trade Information Service
  • Oceania

    American Samoa American Samoa Government Department of Commerce
    Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Cook Islands Cook Islands Statistics Office
    Fiji Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics
    Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans
    Kiribati National Statistics Office
    Micronesia , Federated States of Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
    Marshall Islands Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
    Nauru Nauru Bureau of Statistics
    New Zealand Statistics New Zealand
    Niue Niue Statistics
    Northern Mariana Islands Department of Commerce: Central Statistics Division
    Palau Palau Statistics
    Papua New Guinea National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea
    Samoa Samoa Statistics Department
    Solomon Islands Solomon Islands National Statistics Office
    Tokelau Tokelau: Statistics Unit
    Tonga Tonga Department of Statistics
    Tuvalu Central Statistics Department
    Vanuatu Vanuatu National Statistics Office