Dominica CO2 Emissions

Fossil CO2 Emissions (2022)
68,810 tons
Yearly Change
Global Share
Tons per capita

  • Fossil CO2 emissions in Dominica were 68,810 tons in 2022.
  • CO2 emissions increased by 3.83% over the previous year, representing an increase by 2,540 tons over 2021, when CO2 emissions were 66,270 tons.
  • CO2 emissions per capita in Dominica are equivalent to 1.03 tons per person (based on a population of 66,826 in 2022), an increase by 0.04 over the figure of 0.99 CO2 tons per person registered in 2021; this represents a change of 4.4% in CO2 emissions per capita.

Fossil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of Dominica

Year Fossil CO2
CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions
per capita
Population Pop.
Share of World's
CO2 emissions
2022 68,810 3.83% 1.03 66,826 −0.56% 0.00018%
2021 66,270 −3.4% 0.99 67,202 −0.55% 0.00017%
2020 68,600 −14.77% 1.02 67,573 −0.45% 0.00019%
2019 80,490 8.56% 1.19 67,880 −0.43% 0.00021%
2018 74,140 16.94% 1.09 68,174 −0.47% 0.00020%
2017 63,400 −12.91% 0.93 68,496 −1.59% 0.00017%
2016 72,800 6.23% 1.05 69,606 −1.14% 0.00020%
2015 68,530 3.61% 0.97 70,410 0.05% 0.00019%
2014 66,140 7.16% 0.94 70,373 0.94% 0.00018%
2013 61,720 15.54% 0.89 69,715 0.86% 0.00017%
2012 53,420 −6.13% 0.77 69,118 0.09% 0.00015%
2011 56,910 −21.86% 0.82 69,053 0.28% 0.00016%
2010 72,830 2.95% 1.06 68,859 −0.01% 0.00022%
2009 70,740 1.8% 1.03 68,864 0.01% 0.00022%
2008 69,490 −4.2% 1.01 68,854 0.01% 0.00022%
2007 72,540 20.48% 1.05 68,847 0.06% 0.00023%
2006 60,210 4.39% 0.88 68,806 0.1% 0.00019%
2005 57,680 −2.12% 0.84 68,734 0.12% 0.00019%
2004 58,930 7.16% 0.86 68,649 0.17% 0.00020%
2003 54,990 13.92% 0.8 68,531 0.24% 0.00020%
2002 48,270 −10.25% 0.71 68,367 0.12% 0.00018%
2001 53,780 1.47% 0.79 68,288 −0.33% 0.00021%
2000 53,000 −8.37% 0.77 68,511 −0.52% 0.00021%
1999 57,840 72.66% 0.84 68,870 −0.37% 0.00023%
1998 33,500 −44.54% 0.48 69,124 −0.25% 0.00014%
1997 60,400 −3.39% 0.87 69,299 −0.16% 0.00025%
1996 62,520 10.11% 0.9 69,410 −0.08% 0.00026%
1995 56,780 15.1% 0.82 69,469 −0.01% 0.00024%
1994 49,330 30.06% 0.71 69,477 0.06% 0.00022%
1993 37,930 84.39% 0.55 69,433 0.16% 0.00017%
1992 20,570 0.83% 0.3 69,325 0.04% 0.000091%
1991 20,400 1.39% 0.29 69,296 −0.48% 0.000090%
1990 20,120 −7.88% 0.29 69,627 −0.75% 0.000089%
1989 21,840 2.49% 0.31 70,153 −0.64% 0.000098%
1988 21,310 15.38% 0.3 70,608 −0.58% 0.000097%
1987 18,470 48.12% 0.26 71,023 −0.54% 0.000087%
1986 12,470 −14.24% 0.17 71,406 −0.47% 0.000061%
1985 14,540 0.35% 0.2 71,744 −0.43% 0.000072%
1984 14,490 10.95% 0.2 72,056 −0.43% 0.000073%
1983 13,060 −2.25% 0.18 72,365 −0.44% 0.000068%
1982 13,360 −6.11% 0.18 72,688 −0.41% 0.000070%
1981 14,230 45.35% 0.19 72,986 −0.13% 0.000073%
1980 9,790 −0.91% 0.13 73,083 0.17% 0.000049%
1979 9,880 −1.2% 0.14 72,959 0.32% 0.000049%
1978 10,000 0.1% 0.14 72,724 0.44% 0.000051%
1977 9,990 10.26% 0.14 72,406 0.54% 0.000053%


See also