Pictured above on May 6, 2020 with a printout of Worldometer’s iconic data table is Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, who regularly utilized Worldometer for real-time monitoring of the pandemic’s progression.
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the world desperately needed accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-the-minute data to track the outbreak.
Worldometer rose to the arduous challenge of collecting, validating and aggregating data from a vast multitude of disparate sources in multiple languages during the chaotic initial stages, when procuring comprehensive and accurate information in a timely manner was an exceptionally demanding undertaking. These sources spanned a broad spectrum from official government reports, live press conferences, and hospital bulletins to social media posts by health authorities, necessitating an around-the-clock, vigilant monitoring of a massively extensive and continually fluctuating array of communication sources and channels across every nation. This monumental effort was further complicated by the absence of uniform data definitions and reporting standards. The initial complexity gradually evolved into a more structured and predictable process with daily reports from consistent sources.
From the very beginning, Worldometer’s unmatched accuracy, real-time updates, and comprehensiveness established it as the undisputed leader in global coronavirus statistics.
How was this status achieved? Quite simply, users would check the data reported on their country’s government source, compare it with the data shown on various trackers, platforms, and outlets, and invariably concluded that Worldometer was the most accurate, up to date, and complete, thus selecting it as their preferred source.
Worldometer was trusted and directly relied upon by numerous governments, institutions, and researchers [1], including the United States Government [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] , the UK Government [7], Johns Hopkins CSSE [8], and the governments of Pakistan [9],Thailand [10], and Vietnam [11], among many others.
Dr. Deborah Birx, the US White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator and advocate of data-driven decision making and high-quality real-time data, criticized the coronavirus data provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), stating that “the data is incomplete. It is collected and analyzed too slowly” and that “CDC’s numbers were incomplete.” As Birx explained, “real-time data allows you to understand the present and predict the future with a fair amount of accuracy” while “incomplete data opens us up to inaccurate interpretations, mischaracterizations, and politicization [12].” Dr. Birx regularly used Worldometer for monitoring the spread of the virus in real-time [2] [5] [6] [13], frequently carrying with her a printout of the iconic Worldometer data table [2] [3] [14] and presenting the data at Task Force meetings, [6] press briefings, [4] and news conferences [2]. In one instance, she utilized Worldometer’s data to correct a reporter’s erroneous statement regarding testing rates [2]. The reporter later apologized for his mistake [15].
Even in terms of popularity and traffic, Worldometer not only far outperformed all other coronavirus trackers, but even remarkably surpassed all major news outlets and social platforms such as LinkedIn, reaching over 1 billion unique visits per month in April 2020 and becoming one of the 30 most-trafficked websites worldwide [16].
Worldometer also remained steadfast in the face of repeated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, hacking efforts, and the inevitable smear campaign mounted by insincere competitors colluding among themselves. Unfazed by these attempts, Worldometer continued to focus solely on its mission of delivering the most accurate and timely data, standing as a beacon of integrity amidst a landscape often afflicted by disinformation.
In the early stages of the pandemic, Worldometer remained the only source providing comprehensive COVID-19 data updates for all countries worldwide. No other platform could match its scope, reliability, and timeliness during this crucial period.
As a result, respected authorities like Johns Hopkins University (JHU) relied on Worldometer as their trusted main global data feed.
Whether accessed directly or indirectly through third-party sources like Johns Hopkins University that it supplied data to, Worldometer’s statistics formed the authoritative primary global COVID-19 data feed that nearly every government, institution, global coronavirus tracker, media outlet, and the public at large ultimately drew from during the crisis.
Worldometer pioneered data accuracy and integrity standards tailored to the unique challenges and requirements of COVID-19 data collection, verification, and reporting. In some cases, such standards became widely adopted COVID-19 tracking benchmarks. In others (such as the redistribution of past cases), they should have, but unfortunately didn’t. Examples include:
Worldometer properly and meticulously distributed backlogged cases, deaths, and recoveries over the actual time periods to which they referred (with only two duly annotated exceptions due to missing reference period and awaiting further information that was never provided by the respective governments: China’s data on February 12, 2020 and France’s data on April 2, 2020), rather than artificially inflating daily numbers by reporting all case backlogs on a single date, a serious methodological flaw afflicting all other trackers as well as national and state dashboards, as rightly noted by former White House COVID-19 advisor Scott W. Atlas [17].
Recognizing that national aggregates often lagged behind local data, Worldometer collected and aggregated thousands of daily reports from regional and local health departments to provide the most accurate and up-to-date picture of the pandemic’s spread.
Worldometer avoided inaccurate conflation by properly labeling total case figures as “reported cases” (or “total cases” or “cases”) rather than “confirmed cases” since these total figures also included “probable,” “presumptive,” and “suspect” cases and the definition of “case” is itself subject to modifications, as with the CDC change on April 14, 2020. Many other sources incorrectly labeled totals as “confirmed cases.”
Worldometer employed rigorous analytical criteria to accurately reflect the full implications of atypical data releases. For instance, when Spain reported a significant batch of past antigen test results, Worldometer appropriately deduced that each positive antigen test necessarily represented one past coronavirus case and one recovered case. After verifying that this specific data had not been previously accounted for in historical figures, Worldometer updated the cumulative case and recovery totals to precisely incorporate the newly available information, ensuring the utmost data accuracy and integrity.
Beyond precise case counting, Worldometer led the way in appropriately aggregating antibody and PCR tests into complete testing figures, setting the standard that many others, including official government sources, later followed.
As the leading provider of real-time population data, Worldometer was also the first to provide invaluable population-related coronavirus metrics, allowing for a more accurate country to country data comparison.
The rigor of Worldometer’s methodology, in-depth research and analysis to properly interpret incomplete, conflicting, or ambiguous official information, as well as its continuous cross-checking of data and reconciliation of discrepancies helped ensure highly accurate statistics. Government reporting errors, inconstancies, and changes in definition occurred regularly during the pandemic’s evolution, presenting an ongoing challenge.
Example 1: Italy
One such instance was when Italy’s Protezione Civile made a mistake in their March 26 bulletin, incorrectly entering 449 deaths for the Piedmont region instead of 499. This caused errors in their reported national death and case totals for that day. Worldometer promptly identified the discrepancy, confirmed it by directly contacting Piedmontese officials, and corrected the global data accordingly - ahead of some major media outlets still reporting the erroneous figures on March 27.
While the mistake was clearly a typing error by Protezione Civil (not missing deaths from Piedmont as some media initially suggested) outlets like La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, BBC and Bloomberg continued using the incorrect March 26 totals when reporting the March 27 daily changes. However, Worldometer’s timely correction ensured other outlets like The New York Times, Reuters, Financial Times, Sky News, Al Jazeera maintained consistent, accurate death tolls across both days’ reports, matching Protezione Civile’s own revised March 26 data.
Example 2: France
Worldometer’s commitment to robust data accuracy is further demonstrated by how it handled the French government’s new nursing home data reported on April 3, 2020 (17,827 cases and 532 deaths). Worldometer thoroughly analyzed the official reports and correctly deduced that the figures included both confirmed and probable cases, thus requiring additions to cumulative totals (which at the time only represented confirmed cases, apparently only from hospitals), contrary to Johns Hopkins which decided to remove the nursing home cases entirely on April 9 over uncertainty if they all represented already counted confirmed cases [18].
On April 17, the French government clarified that around 67% of the nursing home data represented newly reported probable cases, while only 33% were confirmed positives already included in their national totals. However, Johns Hopkins did not retroactively correct its premature full removal based on this clarification, leaving an inaccurate undercount in the time series, and only started to add new probable nursing home cases from that day onward. Worldometer, whose earlier decision had already ensured a higher level of accuracy, diligently updated its historical data - removing only the double-counted 33% confirmed portion while keeping the properly added 67% probable cases.
Worldometer’s rigorous analysis and verification ensured minimal disruption to data accuracy as new official information emerged over time.
By publishing new COVID-19 data within minutes, often seconds, of an official report being released, Worldometer offered invaluable real-time monitoring capability during the rapidly evolving pandemic crisis. No other tracker or outlet came close to matching Worldometer’s speed, exacting standards and critical analysis of official reports.
A dedicated team worked around the clock extensively tracking and validating over 10,000 official government sources globally – health department websites, press releases, press conferences and institutional social media posts. This comprehensive and relentless monitoring and analysis of official channels allowed for the timeliest and most complete COVID-19 statistics available.
Additionally, a user reporting system was swiftly implemented to capture any potentially outdated data points. User-submitted reports with official source URLs were validated by Worldometer’s team before publishing, ensuring fully up-to-date figures. In a few cases, this system also received direct data submissions from government authorities.
This innovative crowdsourcing effort augmented the extensive in-house monitoring to facilitate comprehensive real-time data updates during the pandemic.
By providing direct source links for every single data update, Worldometer also promoted an unprecedented level of transparency, empowering users to validate the information themselves - unlike other trackers that did not share sources at all, or not with such granularity.
The hallmarks of Worldometer ‘s success - unwavering accuracy, real-time updates, and unparalleled neutrality and transparency - firmly established it among any knowledgeable and impartial observer as the indisputably authoritative source for global COVID-19 data.
Whether accessed directly - or indirectly through entities that relied on its data - Worldometer powered pandemic monitoring and informed decision-making at all levels during the crisis, from the White House Coronavirus Task Force to billions of caring people around the world.
We extend gratitude to everyone who supported and participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort during one of the most globally impactful events in generations.
Together, through hard work and honest dedication, we pioneered methods and standards that will hopefully beneficially shape future reporting of critical information.