Oman Food & Agriculture

Undernourished in Oman

See also: Undernourished by Country

How many are undernourished?
300,000 people
6.52% of the total population of Oman of 4,597,877 in 2018
Global Rank: 87th | Share of Global Undernourished: 0.0343%
Global undernourished
874,450,000 people in the world
11.31% of the total World Population of 7,729,902,781 in 2018

Forest in Oman

See also: Forest by Country

Forest AREA
2,000 hectares
Global Rank: 211th
Oman Share of World Forests: 0.00%
World Forests Area: 4,203,923,600 ha

Cropland in Oman

See also: Cropland by Country

Cropland AREA
100,920 hectares
Global Rank: 159th
Oman Share of Global Croplands: 0.0%
Global Croplands: 1,697,033,870 ha

Pesticide Use in Oman

See also: Pesticide Use by Country

Pesticide USE
346.68 tons
Global Rank: 111th
PESTICIDES Per hectare
3.4 Kg/Ha
Global Rank: 50th

See also


Useful Resources

  • Croplands - Map showing individual farm fields at any location in the world. High resolution of 30 meters and 0.09 hectares per pixel.