Million Cubic ft (MMcf) | Global Rank | |
Gas Reserves | 368,704,000 | #1 in the world |
Gas Production | 32,914,647 | #1 in the world |
Gas Consumption | 27,243,858 | #3 in the world |
Daily Surplus | +5,670,789 | |
Gas Imports | 2,718,094 | |
Gas Exports | 1,783,512 | |
Net Imports | 934,582 |
See also: List of countries by Gas Reserves
the United States holds 322 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves as of 2017, ranking #1 in the world and accounting for about 4.65% of the world’s total gas reserves of 6,923 Tcf.
the United States has proven reserves equivalent to 11.9 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 12 years of gas left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).
See also: List of countries by Gas Consumption
the United States consumes 27,110,271 million cubic feet (MMcf) of natural gas per year as of the year 2017.
the United States ranks #3 in the world for gas consumption, accounting for about 20.49% of the world’s total consumption of 132,290,211 MMcf.
the United States consumes 81,607 cubic feet of natural gas per capita every year (based on the 2017 population of 332,204,660 people), or 224 cubic feet per capita per day.
See also: List of countries by Gas Production