Samoa GDP

GDP nominal (2023)
GDP growth rate
(Current US Dollars). Sources include: World Bank, United Nations.
  • Nominal (current) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Samoa is $938,189,444 (USD) as of 2023.
  • Real GDP (constant, inflation adjusted) of Samoa reached $867,318,434 in 2023.
  • GDP Growth Rate in 2023 was 8.58%, representing a change of 68,565,666 US$ over 2022, when Real GDP was $798,752,768.
  • GDP per Capita in Samoa (with a population of 216,663 people) was $4,003 in 2023, an increase of $292 from $3,711 in 2022; this represents a change of 7.9% in GDP per capita.

Samoa GDP (Nominal, $USD) 1993-2023

GDP Change (%)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Samoa

Year GDP Nominal
(Current USD)
GDP Real
(Inflation adj.)
GDP per
2023 $938,189,444 $867,318,434 8.58% $4,003 0.65% 216,663
2022 $832,945,206 $798,752,768 −5.31% $3,711 0.69% 215,261
2021 $843,923,639 $843,511,967 −7.08% $3,946 0.87% 213,779
2020 $868,898,358 $907,771,582 −3.11% $4,283 1.03% 211,944
2019 $912,950,466 $936,894,421 4.45% $4,466 1.06% 209,780
2018 $878,448,433 $896,962,898 −0.61% $4,321 1.05% 207,582
2017 $884,844,385 $902,464,748 1.41% $4,393 0.94% 205,415
2016 $843,924,797 $889,949,544 7.98% $4,373 0.85% 203,499
2015 $824,150,499 $824,150,499 3.85% $4,084 0.87% 201,782
2014 $796,683,520 $793,594,249 0.66% $3,967 0.89% 200,037
2013 $797,736,334 $788,391,466 0.11% $3,976 0.9% 198,268
2012 $773,141,661 $787,546,482 −3.73% $4,008 0.92% 196,498
2011 $744,097,050 $818,078,226 3.85% $4,201 0.88% 194,713
2010 $680,260,907 $787,756,851 6.12% $4,081 0.79% 193,023
2009 $628,006,115 $742,293,456 −0.54% $3,876 0.74% 191,513
2008 $641,346,192 $746,336,192 3.56% $3,926 0.72% 190,107
2007 $573,548,460 $720,707,093 0.49% $3,818 0.56% 188,753
2006 $499,923,758 $717,221,522 2.13% $3,821 0.39% 187,709
2005 $476,801,793 $702,248,687 6.64% $3,756 0.39% 186,978
2004 $407,747,565 $658,527,693 3.09% $3,536 0.44% 186,249
2003 $333,426,188 $638,806,086 5.21% $3,445 0.52% 185,430
2002 $281,790,134 $607,157,233 5.65% $3,291 0.71% 184,471
2001 $266,299,592 $574,676,738 7.39% $3,137 0.82% 183,166
2000 $258,856,140 $535,129,944 5.09% $2,945 0.78% 181,685
1999 $255,408,060 $509,196,347 2.19% $2,825 0.77% 180,275
1998 $269,485,244 $498,306,192 2.19% $2,785 0.76% 178,905
1997 $285,475,592 $487,603,826 0.64% $2,746 0.84% 177,547
1996 $249,907,869 $484,486,518 7.18% $2,752 0.86% 176,071
1995 $224,865,731 $452,035,062 6.67% $2,589 0.82% 174,571
1994 $221,098,107 $423,755,155 −2.54% $2,447 0.81% 173,159
1993 $133,122,897 $434,808,422 4.1% $2,531 0.85% 171,774


See also