Click on each subregion to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, list of countries, and projected figures.
# | Region | Population (2025) | Yearly Change | Net Change | Density (P/Km²) | Area (Km²) | Migrants (net) | Fert. Rate | Median Age | Urban Pop % | World Share |
1 | South America | 438,105,374 | 0.57% | 2,494,072 | 25 | 17,461,112 | −163,253 | 1.69 | 33.1 | 88.4% | 5.32% |
2 | Central America | 185,160,699 | 0.95% | 1,750,739 | 76 | 2,452,270 | −145,568 | 1.95 | 28.5 | 81% | 2.25% |
3 | Caribbean | 44,622,478 | 0.4% | 177,668 | 197 | 225,996 | −97,215 | 1.95 | 32.4 | 76.3% | 0.54% |
# | Region | Population (2025) | World Share |
1 | South America | 112,973,121 | 4.53% |
2 | Central America | 37,615,700 | 1.51% |
3 | Caribbean | 17,193,337 | 0.69% |
# | Region | Population (2025) | World Share |
1 | South America | 468,674,488 | 4.85% |
2 | Central America | 215,385,141 | 2.23% |
3 | Caribbean | 45,997,117 | 0.48% |