Click on each subregion to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, list of countries, and projected figures.
# | Region | Population (2025) | Yearly Change | Net Change | Density (P/Km²) | Area (Km²) | Migrants (net) | Fert. Rate | Median Age | Urban Pop % | World Share |
1 | Australia and New Zealand | 32,225,925 | 0.94% | 298,776 | 4 | 7,945,610 | 154,511 | 1.64 | 38.2 | 86% | 0.39% |
2 | Melanesia | 13,165,119 | 1.7% | 220,219 | 25 | 529,590 | −1,553 | 2.99 | 23.1 | 18.4% | 0.16% |
3 | Polynesia | 689,919 | 0.03% | 175 | 85 | 8,090 | −7,958 | 2.5 | 27.8 | 46.5% | 0.0084% |
4 | Micronesia | 528,681 | 0.33% | 1,758 | 167 | 3,170 | −4,879 | 2.79 | 26.5 | 75.2% | 0.0064% |
# | Region | Population (2025) | World Share |
1 | Australia and New Zealand | 10,088,013 | 0.40% |
2 | Melanesia | 2,076,908 | 0.083% |
3 | Polynesia | 255,407 | 0.010% |
4 | Micronesia | 161,716 | 0.0065% |
# | Region | Population (2025) | World Share |
1 | Australia and New Zealand | 38,262,257 | 0.40% |
2 | Melanesia | 18,090,929 | 0.19% |
3 | Polynesia | 735,268 | 0.0076% |
4 | Micronesia | 599,723 | 0.0062% |