Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean by population (2025)

Click on each country to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, list of countries, and projected figures.

# Country (or dependency) Population
Land Area
Pop %
1 Brazil 211,998,573 0.41 % 857,844 25 8,358,140 -225,510 1.6 34 91 % 2.60 %
2 Mexico 130,861,007 0.86 % 1,121,248 67 1,943,950 -104,581 1.9 29 87 % 1.60 %
3 Colombia 52,886,363 1.08 % 565,211 48 1,109,500 141,643 1.6 32 81 % 0.65 %
4 Argentina 45,696,159 0.35 % 157,758 17 2,736,690 3,454 1.5 33 95 % 0.56 %
5 Peru 34,217,848 1.10 % 372,231 27 1,280,000 18,406 2.0 30 80 % 0.42 %
6 Venezuela 28,405,543 0.37 % 104,689 32 882,050 -105,297 2.1 29 N.A. 0.35 %
7 Chile 19,764,771 0.54 % 105,936 27 743,532 58,316 1.1 36 85 % 0.24 %
8 Guatemala 18,406,359 1.55 % 281,521 172 107,160 -7,725 2.3 23 56 % 0.23 %
9 Ecuador 18,135,478 0.86 % 155,395 73 248,360 -19,704 1.8 29 65 % 0.22 %
10 Bolivia 12,413,315 1.38 % 169,156 11 1,083,300 -3,000 2.5 25 70 % 0.15 %
11 Haiti 11,772,557 1.16 % 135,159 427 27,560 -31,747 2.6 24 61 % 0.14 %
12 Dominican Republic 11,427,557 0.85 % 96,292 236 48,320 -34,806 2.2 28 86 % 0.14 %
13 Cuba 10,979,783 -0.36 % -40,148 103 106,440 -22,356 1.4 42 81 % 0.13 %
14 Honduras 10,825,703 1.70 % 180,852 97 111,890 -4,821 2.5 24 58 % 0.13 %
15 Paraguay 6,929,153 1.24 % 85,007 17 397,300 -12,451 2.4 27 68 % 0.08 %
16 Nicaragua 6,916,140 1.36 % 92,527 57 120,340 -8,189 2.2 26 58 % 0.08 %
17 El Salvador 6,338,193 0.45 % 28,569 306 20,720 -23,102 1.8 27 79 % 0.08 %
18 Costa Rica 5,129,910 0.48 % 24,385 100 51,060 967 1.3 35 84 % 0.06 %
19 Panama 4,515,577 1.27 % 56,818 61 74,340 6,706 2.1 30 70 % 0.06 %
20 Uruguay 3,386,588 -0.04 % -1,493 19 175,020 -1,348 1.4 36 N.A. 0.04 %
21 Puerto Rico 3,242,204 0.01 % 181 366 8,870 11,561 0.9 45 N.A. 0.04 %
22 Jamaica 2,839,175 -0.02 % -611 262 10,830 -10,506 1.4 32 60 % 0.03 %
23 Trinidad and Tobago 1,507,782 0.32 % 4,850 294 5,130 1,334 1.5 37 49 % 0.02 %
24 Guyana 831,087 0.57 % 4,734 4 196,850 -5,407 2.4 26 27 % 0.01 %
25 Suriname 634,431 0.88 % 5,545 4 156,000 -1,166 2.2 28 62 % 0.01 %
26 Belize 417,072 1.45 % 5,966 18 22,810 490 2.0 26 48 % 0.01 %
27 Bahamas 401,283 0.46 % 1,843 40 10,010 1,018 1.4 35 88 % 0.00 %
28 Guadeloupe 375,106 -0.37 % -1,411 222 1,690 -1,765 2.1 47 N.A. 0.00 %
29 Martinique 343,195 -0.81 % -2,807 324 1,060 -2,744 2.0 49 N.A. 0.00 %
30 French Guiana 308,522 1.69 % 5,120 4 82,200 -1,018 3.3 25 94 % 0.00 %
31 Barbados 282,467 0.05 % 131 657 430 -70 1.7 39 32 % 0.00 %
32 Curaçao 185,482 0.03 % 55 418 444 513 1.1 38 80 % 0.00 %
33 Saint Lucia 179,744 0.26 % 459 295 610 -7 1.4 34 20 % 0.00 %
34 Grenada 117,207 0.11 % 126 345 340 -192 1.5 34 35 % 0.00 %
35 Aruba 108,066 0.12 % 127 600 180 141 1.6 41 44 % 0.00 %
36 St. Vincent & Grenadines 100,616 -0.70 % -707 258 390 -737 1.8 34 61 % 0.00 %
37 Antigua and Barbuda 93,772 0.49 % 456 213 440 9 1.6 36 28 % 0.00 %
38 U.S. Virgin Islands 84,905 -0.93 % -796 243 350 -420 2.1 45 N.A. 0.00 %
39 Cayman Islands 74,457 1.94 % 1,419 310 240 896 1.5 38 90 % 0.00 %
40 Dominica 66,205 -0.46 % -305 88 750 -200 1.5 36 83 % 0.00 %
41 Saint Kitts & Nevis 46,843 0.18 % 85 180 260 -7 1.5 36 39 % 0.00 %
42 Turks and Caicos 46,535 0.73 % 337 49 950 176 1.5 39 79 % 0.00 %
43 Sint Maarten 43,350 1.41 % 601 1,275 34 558 1.4 42 100 % 0.00 %
44 British Virgin Islands 39,471 1.25 % 486 263 150 212 1.0 38 43 % 0.00 %
45 Caribbean Netherlands 30,675 2.60 % 777 94 328 685 1.5 40 66 % 0.00 %
46 Saint Martin 26,129 -5.04 % -1,386 493 53 -1,424 2.7 41 0 % 0.00 %
47 Anguilla 14,598 1.30 % 188 162 90 109 1.4 38 N.A. 0.00 %
48 Montserrat 4,389 -0.70 % -31 44 100 -7 1.4 42 11 % 0.00 %
49 Falkland Islands 3,470 -0.20 % -7 0 12,170 -13 1.7 42 68 % 0.00 %

Source: Worldometer (
Elaboration of data by United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects: The 2024 Revision. (Medium-fertility variant).